Three Zeros Hackathon
September 4th 2019 Entrepreneurship Week 2019 AIT Conference Center
We are excited to be hosting a Three Zeros themed Hackathon as part of this year's Entrepreneurship Week. In this Hackathon, students will be challenged to come up with a Social Business solution that contributes towards the attainment of the 3 Zeros, leveraging the opportunities that will be provided through the BRI towards inclusive and sustainable development.
Participants will be presented with the opportunity to practice their design thinking skills under the mentorship of practitioners with field experience and receive feedback from a jury of specialists. The winning team will be determined based upon applicability, effectiveness, and innovativeness of the presented solution and awarded with a prize. The participation fee for the event will be 200 Baht.
The designed solution will be benchmarked along these 3 grand objectives:
0 Poverty - 0 Unemployment - 0 Net Carbon Emissions